tyVector Texmap
The tyVector texmap converts UVW values of sampled geometry into RGBA values whose components are the normalized lengths of individual vector axes or the vector length itself.
Example usage: if particles have their velocity assigned to a mapping channel, you can convert that velocity into a value between black and white using the tyVector texmap, depending on the length of the velocity vector for any given particle. The tyVector texmap can then be used as a mask for any other mixable texmap in 3ds Max, allowing you to transform particle velocities into blended color ranges…where the faster a particle travels, the more its color will change.
Value source
- X/Y/Z/Length: the source of the individual float value derived from the sampled UVW value. Either the absolute value of a particular axis, or the length of the UVW vector itself.
Value ranges
- Min/Max: the source float value will be normalized within this range, so that any value between these two values will be converted into a value between 0 and 1.
If the max value is greater than the min value, the interpolation will be inverted.
- Clamp: if enabled, normalized source values will not be clamped to 0 and 1, thus returned values may be outside of that range.
Value affect
- R/G/B/A: controls which components of the resulting RGBA value (the output of the texmap) will be set to the normalized source value. Unselected R/G/B components will be given a default value of 0. An unselected Alpha component will be given a default value of 1.