The Terrain Liquid operator can be used to simulate liquid over a terrain.
Collider grid names: the list of terrain grids to be used as colliders for the liquid simulation.
Liquid grid suffix: liquid grids created by the operator will be rename to the name of their source grid, plus this suffix.
Resolution independent: when enabled, the liquid simulation will be initialized with parameters relative to a set resolution of 1024x1024 (the simulation itself will still run at full resolution, but inputs will be relative to the set resolution, resulting in a fairly resolution-independent consistency).
Pre-roll iterations: when enabled, the simulation will run for the specified number of iterations on the first frame.
Iterations per step: controls how many iterations the internal liquid simulation loop will run for, each time step. Increasing this value will cause the liquid to move faster.
Evaporation rate: controls how much liquid will evaporate from the simulation each time step.
Flow speed: controls how fast liquid can travel between grid cells.
Initial liquid height/depth: controls how liquid will be initialized at the start of the simulation.