Terrain Filter operator

The Terrain Filter operator can be used to apply a filter to a terrain grid.

  • Grid names: terrain grids with matching names will be affected by the specified filter.

  • Mode: the filter mode to apply to applicable terrain grids.


Applies a 2D gaussian blur filter to the cells of affected terrain grids.

  • Amount: the amount of blur to apply.


Clamps the height values of cells in affected terrain grids.

  • Normalized: when enabled, the clamp min/max percentage values are relative to the min/max height values of affected grids. When disabled, clamp min/max values are in world-space units.

  • Preserve height: when enabled, the resulting height values will be adjusted to match the original range of pre-clamped height values.

  • Min/Max: the min/max range of the clamp filter.


Applies a denoise filter to cells in affected terrain grids, smoothing out small noise/details.

  • Block size: smaller values smooth out smaller noise, larger values smooth out larger noise.

  • Threshold: noise with a frequency below this threshold will be smoothed.


Displaces the height values of affected grids by the values in the specified color channel.

  • Color channel: the grid color channel from which to derive the displacement values.

  • Channel: controls which color channel (or an average of all of them) to get displacement values from.

  • Amount: the amount, in world-space units, to displace affected terrain grids.


Inverts all height values in affected terrain grids.


Multiplies all height values in affected terrain grids by the specified amount.

  • Amount: the amount to multiply height values.


Offsets all height values in affected terrain grids by the specified amount, in world-space units.

  • Amount: the amount to offset height values.


Reshapes affected terrain grids by using a curve to remap height values.

  • Reshape curve: height values in affected terrain grids will be re-mapped by their corresponding height value along this curve.

  • Normalize: the resulting height value range will be adjusted to match the original height value range.


Applies a 2D sharpening filter to cells in affected terrain grids.

  • Mode: the sharpening algorithm to use.

  • Amount: the amount of sharpening to apply.