The Terrain Mesh operator can be used to convert terrain grids into editable meshes.
Grid names: terrain grids with matching names will be meshed.
Mode: Controls which meshing mode will be used to convert terrain grids into meshes. “Simple” mode will convert terrain grids directly into meshes - the face count of the resulting mesh will be equal to the number of cells in the grid. “Adaptive” mode will convert terrain grids into meshes using an adaptive sampling algorithm, where more detailed areas of a terrain grid will generate more dense topology.
Material ID: the material ID value to assign to resulting meshes.
Render only: when enabled, terrain grids will only be meshed at rendertime.
Assign vertex colors: when enabled, each vertex in a generated terrain mesh will be assigned a vertex color that corresponds to the color of the specified color channel at the same location on the source terrain grid.
Floating point/integer: floating point vertex colors have a value range of 0-1 for RGB channels. Integer vertex colors have a value of 0-255 for RGB channels.
Map channel: controls which map channel on the resulting mesh will be assigned the vertex colors.
Adaptive threshold: controls how much detail the adaptive meshing algorithm will preserve from the original terrain grid. Higher values preserve less detail, and produce meshes with lower resolution.
Preserve borders: when enabled, the borders of each generated mesh will preserve all details from the source terrain grid - no density adaptation will occur on them.
Cap bottom: when enabled, the bottom of the generated terrain mesh will be assigned a cap (connected to the top), resulting in a mesh with an enclosed volume.
Relative/Absolute: controls the distance of the bottom cap from the top of the terrain mesh - allowing you control the overall height of the closed mesh.