The Speed operator allows you to assign velocities to particles. Velocity vectors are constructed by multiplying a direction vector by a magnitude.
Set velocity: changes particle velocity to the value created by the Speed operator.
Add to velocity: adds the value created by the Speed operator to the existing particle velocity value.
By Value: the magnitude will be set to an absolute value.
Inherit Previous: the magnitude will be set to the particle’s current velocity magnitude.
Get From Parent: the magnitude be set to magnitude of the particle’s parent particle velocity, if it has a valid parent.
From Last Pos (Verlet): the magnitude will be the distance between the particle’s current position and its position at the previous time step.
Magnitude: the absolute magnitude value.
Simulate substeps: forces will be interpolated in a way that simulates the addition of forces at smaller simulation substeps.
The relative property multiplier will adjust values based on the ratio between the value of a particle property and the specified threshold value.
Property type: the particle property to which the threshold value will be compared.
Threshold: the target value to which the selected property value of a particle will be compared.
Min multiplier: the minimum value of the resulting multiplier.
Max multiplier: the maximum value of the resulting multiplier.
Exponent: the exponent to which the ratio between the particle property and the selected property will be raised.
Along Icon Arrow: the direction vector will be aligned to the nearest tyIcon object’s arrow.
Icon Center Out: the direction vector will be aligned to a vector pointing outward from the center of the nearest tyIcon object.
Icon Axis Out: the direction vector will be aligned to a vector pointing outward from the central axis of the nearest tyIcon object.
Random 3D: the direction vector will be a random 3D vector.
Random Horizontal: the direction vector will be a random 3D vector around the world’s Z-Axis.
Inherit Previous: the direction vector will be set to the particle’s current velocity direction vector.
Particle X/Y/Z: the direction vector will be set to a local axis of the particle’s orientation.
Get From Parent: the direction vector will be set to direction vector of the particle’s parent particle velocity vector, if it has a valid parent.
Outwards From Custom Vector: the direction vector will be set to direction from the specified custom vector channel value to the particle.
Outwards From Parent: the direction vector will be set to direction from the parent particle to the particle, if it has a valid parent.
From Last Pos (Verlet): the direction vector will be set to the direction between the particle’s current position and its position at the previous time step.
Discretize: the direction vector will be set to a discretized vector derived from the particle’s current direction vector.
Absolute: the direction vector will be set to the dominant axis of the particle’s current direction vector.
Reverse: reverses the resulting direction vector.
Angle step: the maximum angle that a discretized vector may deviate from a world-aligned axis.
Divergence: the degrees of random divergence to apply to the resulting direction vector.
Divergence damping: This value controls how much divergence damping to apply to resulting speed vectors.
Divergence damping is the tendency for the magnitude of a speed vector to approach zero, as it diverges from its original direction. Increasing this value will slow particles down, depending on how much their direction vector diverges.
Applies a turbulent noise multiplier to velocity values, based on particle positions in space.