The Wobble operator allows you to simulate rotational springs on particles.
The Wobble operator works by coupling each particle with a new child particle in a 2-way relationship that has the following constraints: child particles will attempt to maintain their translational offset from their parent using a simple spring, and parent particles will adjust their orientation to continually look at their child along a specified axis.
X/Y/Z: the child offset axis.
Scale: the distance each child will be offset from its parent.
Stiffness: the stiffness of the spring.
Decay: the decay of the spring.
Max force: the maximum length of the spring force vector.
Delete if parent deleted: if a parent particle is deleted, the child particle will automatically be deleted.
Get shape from parent: controls whether child particles will inherit the shape mesh of their parent.
Inherit target link from parent: when disabled, target links between the parent particle and the parent particle’s target will not be inherited by child particles.