The Voronoi Fracture operator allows you to fracture particle meshes into convex chunks.
Points: the number of points used to create fractures. Roughly the number of resulting fracture meshes, depending on the location of the point cloud.
Count relative to property: Voronoi point count for each particle will be multiplied by the ratio between the value of a particle property and the specified threshold value.
Property type: the particle property to which the threshold value will be compared.
Threshold: the target value to which the selected property value of a particle will be compared.
Min multiplier: the minimum value of the resulting multiplier.
Max multiplier: the maximum value of the resulting multiplier.
Exponent: the exponent to which the ratio between the particle property and the selected property will be raised.
Enable culling: enables fracture culling.
Min volume: fracture meshes with a volume below this value will be deleted.
Min radius: fracture meshes with a radius below this value will be deleted.
New particle per fracture: fracture meshes will be turned into new particles.
Center Pivots: moves the fractured shape mesh particle offset to its center.
Center is src point: moves the fractured shape mesh particle offset to the source point at the center of its voronoi cell.
New element per fracture: fracture meshes will be combined as new elements in the particle’s shape mesh, replacing the original mesh.
Preserve normals: when enabled, existing surface normals will be made explicit and preserved during the operation.
Random on shape surface: point cloud points will be generated at random locations on particle mesh surfaces.
On shape surface by tex: point cloud points will be generated on particle mesh surfaces, based on an input texture map.
Cloud: point cloud points will be generated at random locations in space.
Random offset: the amount of random offset to apply to point cloud point positions, along surface normals
Texmap: the input texture map to use for particle positions. The sampled intensity will be used as a probability value to determine valid particle locations.
Tries: the number of times the texture sampler will try to find a valid particle location before discarding the point cloud point.
Sphere/Box: the bounding shape of the point cloud.
Relative to particle bounds: the size of the bounding shape will be relative to the particle’s shape size.
Scale X/Y/Z: per-axis scale multipliers for the bounding shape.
Scale Mult: a global scale multiplier for the bounding shape.
Particle: the center of the point cloud will be the particle’s position in space.
Shape center: the center of the point cloud will be the center of the particle’s shape mesh.
Random in shape bounds: the center of the point cloud will be a random point within the particle’s shape mesh bounding box.
Random on shape surface: the center of the point cloud will be a random point on the particle’s shape mesh surface.
Random points on object: the center of the point cloud will be a random point on an input object’s surface.
At PhysX contact points: the center of the point cloud will be at a PhysX contact points on the particle’s rigidbody hull.
Input object list: input objects to use for point cloud positioning.
Simulation groups: controls which PhysX collision simulation groups will be candidates for point clouds.
Scale X/Y/Z: the amount of scaling to add to voronoi cell walls, along each axis. Adjusting these values will stretch the overall shape of the resulting voronoi cells.
Show cloud points: displays point cloud points in the viewport.
Point cloud clusters are secondary points generated around base point cloud points. They can help to add variation to the look of a voronoi fracture, by increasing the density of fractures in localized areas.
Enable point cloud clusters: controls whether base point cloud points will each generate a small localized collection of points around them.
Cluster point count: the number of cluster points to generate around each base cloud point.
Cluster point scale: the scale of each cluster of secondary points.
Override cap MatID: controls whether cap faces will be given a material ID override.
ID: the cap face material ID value.
Generate cap UVs: controls whether UVW coordinates will be generated on new cap faces.
Normalize: controls whether cap UVW coordinates will be normalized.
Size: the size of the cap face UVW coordinates.
When “smooth cap faces” is enabled, the slice algorithm will attempt to assign a smoothing group to cap faces not already assigned to any of the sliced faces around the cap perimeter. If all possible smoothing groups are already used by the sliced faces around the cap perimeter, a smoothing group of 1 will be assigned instead. When “smooth cap faces” is disabled, a smoothing group of 0 will be assigned to cap faces.
Optimize slice borders: controls whether slice borders will be optimized, removing things like extraneous vertices along parallel edges.
Weld after slicing: when enabled, slice meshes will have their vertices welded after each successive slice.
Enabling ‘weld after slicing’ will slow the fracture process down, but can help to mitigate certain artifacts that can develop when slicing high resolution meshes.
Particles move outwards: controls whether forces will be applied to fracture particles.
Multiplier: the strength of the fracture force to apply to new particles, in the direction of the original particle’s position to the new particle’s position.
Inherit %: the amount of velocity to inherit from the original particle.
Divergence: the degrees of divergence to apply to fracture forces.