Split operator

The Split operator tests if particles satisfy conditions based on how they entered the event.

Test TRUE for

Percentage of new particles

A percentage of new particles in the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • Percentage %: the percentage value to use.
Random Chance

Particles will satisfy the test condition based on a random probability.

  • Probability %: the probability value to use.
Per frame

A random amount of particles will satisfy the test condition per frame

  • Amount: the amount to send out per frame.
Every Nth particle

Every Nth particle that enters the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • N value: the N value to use.
First N Particles

The first Nth particles that enter the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • N value: the N value to use.
Last N Particles

The last Nth particles that enter the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • N value: the N value to use.
Particle after first N

Particles after the first Nth particles that enter the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • N value: the N value to use.
Particle before last N

Particles before the last Nth particles that enter the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • N value: the N value to use.
Particle after random N

Particles after the random N particles in the event will satisfy the test condition.

  • N value: the N value to use.
New particles before

Only new particles that enter the event before a certain frame will satisfy the test condition.

  • Frame: the frame value to use.
New particles after

Only new particles that enter the event after a certain frame will satisfy the test condition.

  • Frame: the frame value to use.

Sort particles by

The sort direction determines how particles will be split. For example, if particles are sorted in ascending order, sort mode is set to Birth ID, and split mode is set to “first N particles=5”, then the first 5 particles with the lowest Birth ID (in order) will be sent out.

  • Sort mode: the particle property that will be sorted.

  • Channel: the channel of the custom data float value.

  • Ascending/Descending: the direction to sort (ascending = low-to-high, descending = high-to-low)

Split group

  • Event particles: when enabled, all particles in the event will be treated as a single group and split together based on the test type.

  • Clusters when enabled, particles will be separated into multiple groups defined by cluster ID, and each group will be split independently based on the test type.

  • Channel: the custom float data channel from which to derive the cluster ID.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.

  • Seed by time: the seed value will be incremented with the current time in ticks.