The Spin operator allows you to add spin motion to particles.
Set spin: assigns the specified value to the spin value of particles.
Add to spin: adds the specified value to the existing spin value of particles.
Per frame: spin values are specified in degrees per frame.
Per second: spin values are specified in degrees per second.
By Value: the magnitude will be set to an absolute value.
Inherit Previous: the magnitude will be set to the particle’s current spin magnitude.
Verlet: the magnitude will be set by measuring the change in rotation between the current frame and the previous frame.
Relative to radius: the spin magnitude will be relative to a particle’s radius.
Radius: the threshold radius value.
Relative to velocity: the spin magnitude will be relative to a particle’s velocity.
Velocity: the threshold velocity value.
The relative property multiplier will adjust values based on the ratio between the value of a particle property and the specified threshold value.
Property type: the particle property to which the threshold value will be compared.
Threshold: the target value to which the selected property value of a particle will be compared.
Min multiplier: the minimum value of the resulting multiplier.
Max multiplier: the maximum value of the resulting multiplier.
Exponent: the exponent to which the ratio between the particle property and the selected property will be raised.
Random 3D: the spin axis will be a random 3D vector.
World Space: the spin axis will be a user-defined vector in world-space coordinate.
Inherit Previous: the spin axis will be set to the particle’s current spin axis.
Travel direction: the spin axis will be aligned to the particle’s travel direction.
Towards/Away Object: the spin axis will be aligned towards/away the closest input object, depending on the sign of the magnitude.
Towards/Away Target: the spin axis will be aligned towards/away the target’s specified z-axis, depending on the sign of the magnitude.
Verlet: the spin axis will be aligned to the change in rotation between the current frame and the previous frame.
X/Y/Z: the values of the user-defined spin axis vector.
Allow mirror: controls whether some particles will spin in the opposite direction.
Divergence: the degrees of random divergence to apply to the resulting axis vector.
Distance: particles within this distance will be fully affected.
Falloff: the effect on particles beyond the base distance, but within this falloff distance, will diminish according to the inverse-square law.