Shell operator

The Shell operator allows you to give thickness to the faces of particle meshes, similar to how a normal Shell modifier works.


  • Outer amount: the distance to extrude faces along their normal.

  • Inner amount: the distance to extrude faces along the opposite direction of their normal.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.
  • Relative to surface area: the outer/inner amounts will be relative to the overall surface area of the particle divided by the set area.

  • Area: the set area to use in relative mode.

  • Clamp multiplier: clamps the area multiplier to a max value of 1, so that particles with a larger area than the specified relative area value won’t be extruded further than the specified inner/outer amounts.

  • Open edges only: controls whether only elements with open elements are extruded.

  • Along vertex normals: extrudes faces along individual vertex normals.

  • Along average normals: extrudes all faces along the averaged normal direction of the whole mesh.

  • Specify X/Y/Z: extrudes faces in a specified direction.

  • None/Outer/Inner: controls which faces will be beveled.

  • Amount %: the amount of bevel to apply to the shell faces.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.
  • Center Pivots: moves the mesh particle offset to its center.


  • Outer MatID Enabled: controls whether outer faces are given a material ID override.

  • Outer MatID: the override ID to assigned to outer faces.

  • Inner MatID Enabled: controls whether inner faces are given a material ID override.

  • Inner MatID: the override ID to assigned to inner faces.

  • Edge MatID Enabled: controls whether edge faces are given a material ID override.

  • Edge MatID: the override ID to assigned to edge faces.


  • Select outer faces: flags outer faces for selection.

  • Select inner faces: flags inner faces for selection.

  • Select edge faces: flags edge faces for selection.


  • Generate edge UVs: controls whether UVs will be automatically generated for edge faces.

  • Size: the size of edge UVs.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.