Push In/Out operator

The Push In/Out operator allows you to push particles in/out of closed surfaces.


  • Object list: the list of objects whose volumes will be used for in/out tests.


  • Sample type: controls which sampler will be used for in/out tests.

  • Accuracy: controls the accuracy of the raycaster used to compute information about whether a particle is inside or outside of an object’s volume.


  • Inside/Outside: the push operation to perform. “Inside” will push particles inside a surface, whereas “outside” will push particles outside a surface.

  • Offset: the amount of additional offset to apply to target particle locations, along the direction they are moved in/out of a surface.

When offset is set to value other than 0, the operator will begin to also affect particles within that distance range to the surface. For example, if push mode is set to “outside” and offset is set to “10”, any particles within the surface or within a distance of 10 units to its surface will be affected.


  • Affect position: controls whether particles will be forcefully moved in/out of volumes.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.


  • Affect velocity: controls whether particle velocities will modified with the vector required to move them in/out of a surface.

  • Influence: the amount of influence the in/out vector will have on a particle’s velocity.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.