Point Force operator

The Point Force operator allows you to inject radial forces into a simulation, at particle locations.

Point Force

  • Push:: the outward force of each point.

  • Spin:: the spin force of each point, perpendicular to the world Z-axis.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.
  • Along vector: when specified, point forces applied to particles will be aligned to the specified vector.

  • Outwards from center: when specified, point forces applied to particles will be applied outwards from the center of the point force to the particle.

  • X/Y/Z: the point force vector.

  • Divergence: the amount of divergence to apply to the direction of each point force.


Allows you to add turbulence to the point forces.

  • Strength: the strength of the turbulent noise.

  • Frequency: the frequenrcy of the turbulent noise.

  • Scale: the scale of the turbulent noise

Relative to property

The relative property multiplier will adjust values based on the ratio between the value of a particle property and the specified threshold value.

  • Property type: the particle property to which the threshold value will be compared.

  • Threshold: the target value to which the selected property value of a particle will be compared.

  • Min multiplier: the minimum value of the resulting multiplier.

  • Max multiplier: the maximum value of the resulting multiplier.

  • Exponent: the exponent to which the ratio between the particle property and the selected property will be raised.

  • Ignore source particle: the particle from which the force originated will not be affected by the force.

Force Timing

  • Duration: the duration, in frames, each point force will be active.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.
  • Decay: the amount of decay to apply to point forces, each time step.

Decay will decrease the point force strength over time.

Force Influence

  • Absolute radius: the radius of each point force will be set to a specific value.

  • Radius: the specific radius value.

  • Shape radius: the radius of each point force will be set to each particle’s shape mesh radius.

  • Scale radius: the radius of each point force will be set to each particle’s maximum scale dimension.

  • Multiplier: the multiplier to apply to shape/scale radius values.

  • Falloff: the effect on particles beyond the base distance, but within this falloff distance, will diminish according to the inverse-square law.

Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.

Simulation Groups

  • Simulation groups: controls which particle simulation groups will be affected by the point forces.


  • Show point forces: controls whether point forces will be visualized in the viewport, as spheres representing the size of their influence in the scene.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.