Particle Switch operator

The Particle Switch operator gives you control over which particles will be affected by the particle bind solver.

If a particle has bindings attached to it, but you don’t want that particle to be affected by the bind solver (for example, you want that particle to stay attached to a static object), you should always be sure to de-activate that particle with a Particle Switch operator. When you de-activate a particle, the particle bind solver will treat it as though it has infinite mass, which will allow attached bindings to react to it properly. If you do not de-activate particles properly, your bindings may experience undesirable stretching artifacts.


  • Activate bindings: activates particle bindings, causing the bind solver to treat them normally.

  • De-activate bindings: de-activates particle bindings, causing the bind solver to treat them as though they have infinite mass.

  • Put particles to sleep: forces particles to sleep at the current frame.

  • Activate wobble: activates the wobble solver for relevant particles.

  • De-activate wobble: de-activates the wobble solver for affected particles.

Dynamic activation

  • Switch on bind overstretch: causes particles to activate only if attached bindings stretch past a certain point.

  • Stretch %: the threshold stretch percentage that will cause attached particles to activate.

  • Any: activates particles if any of their bindings stretch past the stretch threshold.

  • All: only activates particles if all of their bindings stretch past the stretch threshold.

Force awake

  • Min Frames: the minimum number of frames a particle will be forced awake after activation, to prevent premature re-sleeping if the particle’s velocity remains under the sleep velocity threshold defined in the Particle Bind Solver settings.