Object to Terrain operator

The Object to Terrain operator can be used to add input meshes into a terrain grid.

  • Grid names: terrain grids with matching names will be affected by the operator.

  • Operation: controls how height values applied to affected terrain grids will affect existing height values of the grids.

  • Object: the list of objects to use to change height values of affected grids.


Direct height transfer

This mode directly converts the height of an object, along the Z-axis, to height values in affected terrain grids.

  • Offset: height values added to the grid from an object will be offset by this value.

  • Max difference: Controls the maximum difference that height values in affected grids can be changed by.

  • Falloff: the falloff settings control how the effect of height changes on a cell will affect its neighbors within a given distance.

Slope by distance

This mode affects terrain grid heights by measuring the distance from each cell to input objects, and generating slopes using an interpolation function based on that distance.

  • Distance threshold: the maximum distance a cell may be from an input object in order to be affected by it.

  • Height multiplier: a multiplier applied to the distance function, to control the overall height of generated slopes.

  • Multiplier curve: controls how heights will be interpolated between furthest points and closest points to the input objects.

Slope fill-in

This mode affects terrain grid heights by finding cells inside input meshes and generating slopes using an interpolation function based on their distance to the nearest point on the input mesh’s surface.

  • Height multiplier: a multiplier applied to the distance function, to control the overall height of generated slopes.

  • Multiplier curve: controls how heights will be interpolated between furthest points and closest points to the input objects.

  • Process all objects together: when enabled, objects will be processed in a single, combined operation. When disabled, objects will be processed individually.


  • Affect terrain: when enabled, affected terrain grids will undergo changes to their height values.

  • Generate mask: when enabled, the height changes a terrain undergoes will be converted into a color mask.

  • Height delta (R/G): when enabled, whether a cell’s height is decreased or increased will be mapped to red/green coloration in the mask.

  • Area of influence: when enabled, the amount of change a cell’s height undergoes will be mapped to a luminance value.

  • Operation: controls how new mask values will be merged with existing values, if the mask color channel is not empty.

  • Color channel: the color channel in which to save the generated mask.