Object Test operator

The Object Test operator can be used to test particle positions against the positions of objects in the scene.


  • Input object list: the list of input objects to use for the tests.

Particles will conduct their tests against the closest object in the list of objects.

Test TRUE If

Above Object (World-Z)

Particles above the object in world-space along the Z-axis will satisfy the test condition.

Below Object (World-Z)

Particles below the object in world-space along the Z-axis will satisfy the test condition.

Above Object (Local-Z)

Particles above the object in object-space along the object’s Z-axis will satisfy the test condition.

Below Object (Local-Z)

Particles below the object in object-space along the object’s Z-axis will satisfy the test condition.

  • Offset: the amount of offset that will be applied along the applicable Z-Axis, prior to the test.
Variation: the per-particle amount of variation to apply.
Distance to object

A distance test will be performed between particles and input objects.

  • Axial X/Y/Z: the distance will be measured between the particle and the object’s X/Y/Z axis.

  • Planar X/Y/Z: the distance will be measured between the particle and the plane whose normal is the object’s X/Y/Z axis.

  • Radial XYZ: the distance will be measured between the particle and the object’s position.

  • Less Than: distances which are less than the test value will satisfy the test condition.

  • Greater Than: distances which are greater than the test value will satisfy the test condition.

  • Distance: the distance test value.

Variation: the per-particle amount of variation to apply.

Built-in Noise

  • Noise mode: controls which noise algorithm will be used.

  • Noise texmap: the texmap that will be used by the noise texmap mode(s).

  • Noise preview: a preview image showing a 2D representation of the selected noise mode.

  • Strength: the strength of the noise (a multiplier on the default noise range of [-1, 1]).

  • Frequency: the speed at which the noise will evolve over time.

  • Scale: the scale multiplier for position values sent through the noise algorithm. Smaller values create larger noise patterns.

  • Roughness: controls the amount of extra detail applicable noise modes will generate.

  • Lacunarity: controls the scale of successive noise octaves for applicable noise modes.

  • Gain: controls the relative intensity of successive noise octaves for applicable noise modes.

  • Iterations/Octaves: controls the number of overlapping noise patterns that applicable noise modes will generate.

  • Phase: provides manual control over the evolution of the noise over time.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.