Find Target operator

The Find Target operator provides a way to direct particles towards a specific target point.


  • Control By Velocity: particles will travel towards their target at a certain velocity.

  • Control By Time: particles will travel to their target within a certain time frame.

Test TRUE if Distance

  • Less than: particles will satisfy the test condition when their distance to their target is less than this value.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.

Control By Velocity**

  • Velocity: the desired travel velocity.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.
  • Accel %: controls how quickly particle forces will accelerate from their old values to the newly applied values.
Distance Affect

The distance affect extends outwards from the target surface.

  • Distance: particles within this distance will be fully affected.

  • Falloff: the effect on particles beyond the base distance, but within this falloff distance, will diminish according to the inverse-square law.

Relative to property

The relative property multiplier will adjust values based on the ratio between the value of a particle property and the specified threshold value.

  • Property type: the particle property to which the threshold value will be compared.

  • Threshold: the target value to which the selected property value of a particle will be compared.

  • Min multiplier: the minimum value of the resulting multiplier.

  • Max multiplier: the maximum value of the resulting multiplier.

  • Exponent: the exponent to which the ratio between the particle property and the selected property will be raised.

Control By Time

  • Time: the time it should take for a particle to reach its target

  • Variation: the per-particle amount of variation to apply.
Distance Affect

The distance affect extends outwards from the target surface.

  • Distance: particles within this distance will be fully affected.

  • Falloff: the effect on particles beyond the base distance, but within this falloff distance, will diminish according to the inverse-square law.

Ease In:

  • Ease %: the amount of damping to apply to particle velocities as they approach the target surface.

  • Dist. thresh: the minimum distance to the target surface before the damping takes effect.

Target Objects

  • Input object list: the list of target input objects.

Target Location

  • Object: the method used to choose a target object from the input object list.

Random: a random object will be chosen from the list.

Closest: the closest object will be chosen from the list.

Custom float as index: an object will be chosen based on its index in the list. The index value will be taken from a particle’s custom float data channel.

  • Channel: the custom float data channel which will provide the float data.

  • Cycle through target list: the custom float data value will be incremented each time a particle finds its target, so that it loops through the target list.

  • Randomize cycle order: when enabled, the order that the targets are cycled through, will be randomized per-particle.

  • Point: the method used to choose a target point.

Random: a random point will be chosen on the surface of the target object.

Closest: the closest point on the surface of the target object will be chosen.

Custom Vector: a vector taken from the particle’s custom vector data channel will be used as the target point.

Custom TM: a vector taken from the particle’s custom TM data channel will be used as the target point.

Particle Target: a vector taken from the particle’s target particle TM will be used as the target point.

  • Channel: the custom data channel which will provide the custom vector data.

  • Spread: the amount of random jitter to add to each target point.

  • Continually update: target points will be updated each step, to account for moving objects and/or changing custom data.

Target Alignment

  • Alignment type: controls how particle orientations are affected by target proximity.

None: no changes to particle orientations will be made.

Normals: particles will align to target object surface normals as they approach their target point.

Custom TM: particles will align to a custom TM data channel value as they approach their target point.

Particle Target: particles will align to the TM of their target as they approach their target point.

  • Distance: the minimum distance a particle must be to its target point before its orientation will be interpolated towards its target alignment.

  • Interpolation: the amount to interpolate particle orientations from their previous value to the alignment value.

  • Channel: the custom data channel which will provide the custom TM data.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.