The Displace operator allows you to displace particle mesh vertices using a texture map.
In texmap mode, the strength of the displacement is dependent on values derived from a texmap. This mode is dependent on valid mesh UVWs.
In noise mode, the strength of the displacement is dependent on values derived from a noise algorithm. This mode is UVW independent.
Strength: the strength of the displacement, in local particle units.
Offset: the offset amount to apply to texmap values.
The relative property multiplier will adjust values based on the ratio between the value of a particle property and the specified threshold value.
Property type: the particle property to which the threshold value will be compared.
Threshold: the target value to which the selected property value of a particle will be compared.
Min multiplier: the minimum value of the resulting multiplier.
Max multiplier: the maximum value of the resulting multiplier.
Exponent: the exponent to which the ratio between the particle property and the selected property will be raised.
Vertex/Face normals: vertices will be displaced along the specified mesh normals.
Particle Space X/Y/Z: vertices will be displaced along the X/Y/Z planes of the particle’s transform.
World Space X/Y/Z: vertices will be displaced along the X/Y/Z planes in world-space.
MatID filtering allows you to control which vertices in a shape mesh will be displaced.
Enable MatID Filter: controls whether material ID filtering will be enabled.
MatIDs: the material ID(s) that faces must have in order for their vertices to be displaced.
All adjacent faces must match: when enabled, every adjacent face to a vertex must have the matching material ID in order for the vertex to be displaced.
Some adjacent faces must match: when enabled, a vertex will be displaced if at least one of its adjacent faces has a matching material ID.
Reduce strength near border: when enabled, the strength of the displacement will be reduced, depending on how close a displaced vertex is to a border vertex (a vertex on a face whose material ID doesn’t match the material ID filter list.
Distance: vertices within this distance will not be affected.
Falloff: the effect on vertices beyond the base distance, but within this falloff distance, will diminish according to the inverse-square law.