Camera Cull operator

The Camera Cull operator can be used to cull particles from display/render/export that are outside of a camera’s view frustum.


  • Camera list: the list of input cameras that will be used to cull particles.


  • Delete: when enabled, culled particles will be deleted. When this operation is selected, the Camera Cull operator has a direct, history-dependent impact on the simulation.

  • Hide: when enabled, particles will be hidden from display/render/etc, but not deleted from the flow. When this operation is selected, the cull process happens as a post-effect and does not directly affect the simulation.

  • Test TRUE: when enabled, culled particles will have their output condition set to TRUE. When this operation is selected, the Camera Cull operator has a direct, history-dependent impact on the simulation.


  • Frustum cull: particles will be culled based on whether or not they are inside of a camera’s frustum.

  • Distance cull: particles will be culled based on whether or not they are within a certain distance to an object.

In “distance cull” mode, any object can be used - not just cameras.


  • Expand: the number of degrees to expand an input camera’s view frustum by.


  • Distance: the minimum distance to an input object that a particle must be in order to be culled.

  • Invert: inverts the effect of the distance cull (the distance value becomes a maximum value rather than a minimum value).

Active cameras

  • Cull if not visible to active cameras in the list: particles will be culled if they are not within the view frustum of active cameras in the object list. An active camera is a camera that is currently assigned to a viewport. Particles only in view of inactive cameras (cameras not currently assigned to a viewport) will be culled.


  • Display: when enabled, culling will affect particle display.

  • Render: when enabled, culling will affect particle rendering.

  • Export: when enabled, culling will affect particle exports.

  • Particle Interface: when enabled, culling will affect particle interfaces.