Birth Burst operator

The Birth Burst operator allows you to define multiple unique birth events, aka “bursts”.

The Birth Burst operator is a more efficient alternative to creating multiple unique birth operators in order to birth distinct groups of particles.

Particle Birth Bursts

  • Birth burst list: the list of all active birth bursts.

Burst Settings

  • Start/End: controls the time range in which the selected burst will birth new particles.
  • Count: controls the total number of particles the burst will create over the time range.
  • Count: controls the number of particles the burst will create per frame over the time range.
Simulation groups
  • Simulation groups: controls which particle simulation groups will be assigned to the particles in the burst.
Export groups
  • Export groups: controls which particle export groups will be assigned to the particles in the burst.
Custom float
  • Value: the custom float value to assign to the particles in the burst.

  • Channel: the custom float data channel the value will be assigned to.