tyTriangulate Modifier

The tyTriangulate modifier can be used to re-triangulate the polygons of a mesh.

tyTriangulate Rollout


  • Delaunay triangulation: performs a Delaunay triangulation on mesh polygons, which attempts to maximize the edge angles of all resulting triangles.

  • Earcut triangulation: performs an Earcut triangulation on a mesh, which attempts to create the larger triangles overall.

  • Polygons to triangles: converts existing polygon triangulations into triangles directly, without performing a re-triangulation (this is equivalent to setting all mesh edges to visible).

  • Preserve existing polygons: when enabled, the mesh’s existing polygons (adjacent triangles that share hidden edges) will be used as the basis for all re-triangulations. When disabled, polygons will be created by joining adjacent triangles whose normals are angled less than the specified merge threshold value.
Re-triangulation filter
  • Min/Max tris: when “preserve existing polygons” is enabled, you can specify the min/max face count required for any given existing polygon to be re-triangulated. Existing polygons with triangle counts outside of the specified range will not be re-triangulated.

  • Triangle merge thresh: adjacent triangles whose normals are angled at less than this specified value will be joined into polygons.


  • Weld coincident verts: when enabled, coincident verts will be welded before the triangulation process takes place - this can improve results in some cases where input is degenerate.


  • Convex polygons only: when enabled, the first pass of polygons extracted from the mesh (either directly when “preserve existing polygons” is enabled, or indirectly through the triangle merge process) will be further decomposed into convex polygons, preventing any concave polygons from being a part of the final result.

  • Hide internal edges: when enabled, internal edges of triangulated polygons will be hidden, so only polygon borders will be shown with solid edge lines on the mesh.

Hide filter
  • Min/Max tris: when “hide internal edges” is enabled, you can specify the min/max face count required for any given polygon to have its internal edges hidden. Polygons with triangle counts outside of the specified range will not have their internal edges hidden.