tySlice Modifier

The tySlice modifier is an optimized alternative to 3ds Max’s built-in Slice modifier, that has options for capping slice holes, multi-object slice plane input, etc.

Slice Operation Rollout

Slice operation

  • Split: the input mesh will be split in half along the slice plane(s).

  • Refine: the input mesh will be split along each refinement slice plane.

  • Remove top: the input mesh will be split along the slice plane(s) and any vertices above the slice plane will be removed.

  • Remove bottom: the input mesh will be split along the slice plane(s) and any vertices below the slice plane will be removed.

  • Recursive Subdivide: the input mesh will be recursively split vertically, and then either side of the vertical split will be split horizontally.

  • Cross section: the input mesh will be split along each slice plane and the resulting edges of each slice will be converted into splines.

  • Select slice edges: selects all border edges created by the slice operation.

  • Preserve normals: when enabled, existing surface normals will be made explicit and preserved during the operation.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.

Slice Plane Rollout

Slice Plane

  • Gizmo: the slice will be controlled by the modifier’s sub-object gizmo.

  • Object: the slices will be controlled by the z-axis of input object transforms.

  • Object list: the list of input objects to use as slice planes.

Split/Refine Rollout

  • Slices: the number of refinement slices.

  • Spread: the distance between refinement slices.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.
  • Separation: increase this value to create gaps between sliced mesh elements.

  • Above/Below: controls whether refinement slices will be created above/below the original slice plane(s).

  • Weld seams: controls whether the edges between refinement slices will be welded.

Slices Rollout


  • Cap holes: controls whether slices will be capped with new faces.
  • Override cap MatID: controls whether cap faces will be given a material ID override.

  • ID: the cap face material ID value.

  • Generate cap UVs: controls whether UVW coordinates will be generated on new cap faces.

  • Normalize: controls whether cap UVW coordinates will be normalized.

  • Size: the size of the cap face UVW coordinates.

  • Select cap faces: controls whether new cap faces will be flagged for selection.


  • Optimize slice borders: controls whether slice borders will be optimized, removing things like extraneous vertices along parallel edges.

Recursive Subdivide Rollout

Recursive Subdivide

  • Iterations: the number of recusive subdivision iterations to perform.

Vertical/Horizontal Slice

  • X/Y offset: the offset, from the center of the bounding box of the mesh element, to shift the slice plane.

  • Time offset: the temporal offset to apply to keyframes on the X/Y offset spinner, at each level of the recursive algorithm.

  • Random flip: the slice plane offset will be randomly flipped during each slice operation. So, for example, a positive offset may be converted into a negative offset for a particular slice operation.

Cross Section Rollout

  • Slices: the number of cross section slices.

  • Spread: the distance between cross section slices.

  • Above/Below: controls whether cross section slices will be created above/below the original slice plane(s).

  • Close Loops: when enabled, resulting splines of each cross section will be closed.

  • Linear/Smooth: controls what types of splin knots will be generated.

  • Steps: the number of interpolation steps applied to the resulting splines.

  • Optimize: when enabled, knots of the resulting splines will be reduced based on specified distance/angle thresholds.

  • Angle thresh: two spline segments whose angle are less than this value will have their shared knot removed.

  • Dist thresh: a knot whose distance to the next knot is below this threshold will be removed.