Fracture display Rollout

The Fracture display rollout offers controls for how intermediate fracture data is displayed in the viewport. This data can be useful to visualize aspects of the procedural multifracture workflow.

  • Fracture points: when enabled, individual points used to generate fracture meshes (ex: points used to generate Voronoi cells) will be displayed in the viewport.

  • Fracture planes: when enabled, planes used to place and orient fracture meshes (ex: gizmo-aligned planes used to place planar fracture meshes) will be displayed in the viewport.

  • Fracture patterns: when enabled, radial/texmap patters will be displayed in the viewport, aligned to the fracture planes used to place them.

  • Fracture meshes: when enabled, generated fracture meshes will be displayed in the viewport.

  • Fracture intersections: when enabled, surface intersections between input meshes and fracture meshes will be displayed in the viewport.