tyMeshToSplines Modifier

The tyMeshToSplines modifier converts mesh edges into editable splines.


  • Edges to splines: when selected, mesh edges will be converted into splines.

  • Intersections to splines: when selected, mesh intersections will be converted into splines.

  • Skeletonize: when selected, a curve skeleton will be extracted from the mesh and converted into splines.

  • Outline: when selected, the outline of the mesh (projected along the gizmo’s Z-axis) will be converted to a spline.

Edges to Splines

  • Linear/Smooth: the type of interpolation to apply to spline knots.

  • Steps: the number of interpolation steps to apply to splines.

  • Visible Edges: when enabled, visible mesh edges will be converted into splines.

  • Invisible Edges: when enabled, invisible mesh edges will be converted into splines.

  • Use edge selection: when enabled, only selected edges will be converted into splines.

  • Open edges only: when enabled, only open edges will be converted into splines.

  • Weld knots: when enabled, resulting spline knots will be welded together based on their proximity.

  • Threshold: the minimum distance between two knots in order for them to be canditates for welding.

  • Optimize result: when enabled, resulting splines will be optimized based on the specified angle/distance thresholds.

  • Min angle: two spline segments whose angle are less than this value will have their shared knot removed.

  • Min dist: a knot whose distance to the next knot is below this threshold will be removed.


  • Self intersections: when enabled, mesh self-intersections will be converted to splines.

  • Object intersections: when enabled, mesh intersections with the specified scene objects will be converted to splines.

  • Objects: the list of external objects to check for mesh intersections.

  • Weld knots: when enabled, resulting spline knots will be welded together based on their proximity.

  • Threshold: the minimum distance between two knots in order for them to be canditates for welding.

  • Optimize result: when enabled, resulting splines will be optimized based on the specified angle/distance thresholds.

  • Min angle: two spline segments whose angle are less than this value will have their shared knot removed.

  • Min dist: a knot whose distance to the next knot is below this threshold will be removed.


  • Per-element/per-object: controls whether outlines (and their offsets) will be computed on a per-element or per-object basis.

  • Offset: controls where along the projected mesh normal the outline will be placed.

  • Optimize result: when enabled, resulting splines will be optimized based on the specified angle/distance thresholds.

  • Min angle: two spline segments whose angle are less than this value will have their shared knot removed.

  • Max angle: two spline segments whose angle are greater than this value will have their shared knot removed.

  • Min dist: a knot whose distance to the next knot is below this threshold will be removed.