tyFaceFracture Modifier

The tyFaceFracture modifier allows you to fracture mesh faces into separate mesh elements.

The functionality of this modifier is equivalent to the functionality of tyFlow’s Face Fracture operator.

Operate On

  • Triangles: triangles will be treated as single faces.

  • Polygons: polygons (adjacent triangles that share a hidden edge) will be treated as single faces.

  • Material IDs: faces will be split up by shared adjacent material IDs.

  • Smoothing Groups: faces will be split up by shared adjacent smoothing groups.

  • Preserve normals: when enabled, existing surface normals will be made explicit and preserved during the operation.

Max faces per fracture

  • Faces: the number of faces per fracture group.
Variation: the per-particle amount of variation to apply.
  • Random fracture order: when enabled, faces will be extracted in a random order. This increases the irregularity of extracted shapes.

Face area constraints

  • Min/Max: the target min/max combined face area per fracture group.

  • Variation %: the per-particle percentage of variation to apply.


  • Seed: the seed value for all varied parameters.