tyFlow_version(): returns the version number of the currently installed tyFlow DLO file.
tyFlow_found_in_scene(): returns information about the number of active tyFlow classes (objects, modifiers, etc) in the scene.
tyFlow_print_scene_load_time {print per-node timings}: prints the amount of time each tyFlow class took to load, during scene load. Passing “true” as the function argument will print a longer, per-node timing breakdown. Timings are sorted from longest to shortest (duration in seconds) and grouped by class.
tyFlow_activate_license(): attempts to activate a tyFlow PRO license (tyFlow.cfg must already exist and contain a valid license key or server address).
tyFlow_deactivate_license(): attempts to deactivates an activated tyFlow PRO license.
tyFlow_license_activated(): returns 1 if a tyFlow PRO license is currently activated, or 0 if not.
[obj].editor_open(): opens the tyFlow editor GUI.
[obj].editor_close(): closes the tyFlow editor GUI (if it is open).
[obj].editor_pan {x} {y}: pans the editor by the specified x/y values.
[obj].editor_resetPan(): resets the editor window pan value.
[obj].editor_zoom {zoom}: zooms the editor window by the specified value (negative values zoom out, positive values zoom in).
[obj].editor_resetZoom(): resets the editor window zoom value.
tyFlow events and operators can be created and manipulated using MAXScript.
[obj].addEvent(): creates (and returns) a new event, centered in the tyFlow editor GUI.
[event].getEnabled() / [event].setEnabled {value}: gets or sets the enabled state of an event.
[event].getWidth() / [event].setWidth {value}: gets or sets the width of an event in the editor GUI.
[event].getName() / [event].setName {value}: gets or sets the name of an event.
[event].getPosition() / [event].setPosition {position}: gets or sets the position of an event in the editor GUI.
[event].addOperator {type} {where}: creates (and returns) a new operator in the event, of the specified type and at the specified 0-based position in the event’s operator list (use -1 for end-of-list position).
[event].remove(): removes the event from the flow.
[operator].getEnabled() / [operator].setEnabled {value}: gets or sets the enabled state of an operator.
[operator].getName() / [operator].setName {value}: gets or sets the name of an operator.
[operator].connect {event}: connects the operator to the specified event.
[operator].disconnect(): disconnects the operator from any event it is connected to.
[operator].remove(): removes the operator from its event.
The following MAXScript example shows how to create events and operators, connect them together, modify their properties, etc:
tf = tyflow()
ev1 = tf.addEvent()
ev1.setName "Birth"
ev1.addOperator "Birth" -1
snd = ev1.addOperator "Send Out" -1
ev2 = tf.addEvent()
ev2.setPosition (ev2.getPosition() + [230, 120])
frc = ev2.addOperator "Force" -1
frc.gravityStrength = -1
snd.connect ev2
ev2.addOperator "Display" -1
tf.editor_pan -150 -50
Both tyFlow and tyCache objects have MAXScript interfaces which can be used to read particle data.
The updateParticles function of a tyFlow or tyCache object MUST be called prior to accessing particle data.
Data for individual particles can be accessed with their index. Valid particle indices (for tyFlow/tyCache objects with at least 1 particle) range from 1 to [obj].numParticles().
Particle indices are 1-based, not 0-based!
For optimized particle access, use the “getAllXXX” functions to receive an array filled with all particle data for a particular property. Getting and iterating that array will be much faster than repeated calls to the property access functions for each particle by their index.
[obj].getParticleID {index}: returns the unqiue ID for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleIDs(): returns an array of all particle IDs for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleAge {index}: returns the age (in frames) for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleAges(): returns an array of all particle ages (in frames) for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleTM {index}: returns the transform for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleTMs(): returns an array of all particle transforms for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticlePosition {index}: returns the position for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticlePositions(): returns an array of all particle positions for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleScale {index}: returns the scale for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleScales(): returns an array of all particle scales for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleVelocity {index}: returns the velocity (in units per frame) for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleVelocities(): returns an array of all particle velocities for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleShapeMesh {index}: returns the trimesh for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleShapeMeshes(): returns an array of all particle trimeshes for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleMass {index}: returns the mass value for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleMasses(): returns an array of all paricle mass values for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleMatID {index}: returns the material ID override for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleMatIDs(): returns an array of all particle material ID overrides for the prepared frame.
A material ID override value of 0 means no override is assigned to the particle.
[obj].getParticleInstanceID {index}: returns the instance ID for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleInstanceIDs(): returns an array of all particle instance IDs for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleSimGroups {index}: returns the simulation group bitflags for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleSimGroups(): returns an array of all particle simulation group bitflags IDs for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleExportGroups {index}: returns the export group bitflags for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleExportGroups(): returns an array of all particle export group bitflags IDs for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleUVWChannels {index}: returns the mapping channel override indices for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleUVWChannels(): returns an array of all particle mapping channel override indices for the prepared frame.
[obj].getParticleUVW {index | channel}: returns the mapping channel override value for the specified particle index.
[obj].getAllParticleUVWs {channel}: returns an array of all particle mapping channel override values for the prepared frame.
Here is an example script, showing how to access individual particle transforms at frame 15, for a tyFlow object named “tyFlow001”:
tf = $tyFlow001
tf.updateParticles 15
numParticles = tf.numParticles()
tms = tf.getAllParticleTMs()
for j in 1 to numParticles do
tm = tms[j]