All of tyFlow is contained within a single .dlo plugin file for each version of 3ds Max. Simply place the appropriate tyFlow_2XXX.dlo file into your 3ds Max 2XXX plugins directory and installation is complete.
The default plugin directory for 3ds Max is located here:
C:\Program Files\Autodesk[3ds Max version]\plugins
However, if you have configured 3ds Max to load plugins from another directory, you can place the appropriate tyFlow plugin file there instead. tyFlow can be loaded from a shared network folder, if you want multiple machines to load tyFlow from the same place on a network.
tyFlow is only compatible with 3ds Max 2018 and above. Make sure you’re using the .dlo file compatible with your version of 3ds Max, or else tyFlow will fail to load during startup.
The tyFlow plugin file for 3ds Max 2020 is also compatible with 3ds Max 2021. That is why no separate tyFlow_2021.dlo file is included in the download package.
If you are using tyFlow RENDER, place its DLO file (tyFlow_2XXX_render.dlo) in the same location described above.
If you are using a tyFlow PRO floating license, you can place tyFlow_licenseServer.exe (included in the same download package as the regular tyFlow DLO files, from version 1.00003 and above) anywhere on the machine you wish to act as your license server. For convenience it might make the most sense to place it in the same folder as the tyFlow DLO files - especially when those files are located on a shared network folder. That way, each time you install a new tyFlow version, everything is in the same place and can easily be updated.